Listed 2004-2022

TT&S Weekly

TT&S Weekly (11/8/21)

Topic of the Week  Military Leave and Other Protections

With Veteran's Day approaching, we're taking a look at the legal accommodations available for those in the workforce who still have an obligation to the U.S. military.

The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) ensures that those serving their country can retain their civilian employment and benefits, and can seek employment free from discrimination based on their service. The USERRA also protects military members who must temporarily leave their job due to activation of service. 

Q: Are all individuals activated for military service eligible for reemployment?
A: Generally, the individual must meet these five conditions to be eligible for reemployment under USERRA.

Q: What happens to my job while I am on military leave?
A: When you return from military service, you must be reemployed into the your previous position along with the same seniority, status, pay and benefits. Learn more here.

Thought of the Week

"Over 200,000 veterans enter the workforce each year."


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